Category: Diet

  • Losing weight is not always so easy. Quite the contrary: the road to a healthy weight can actually be very frustrating. If countless diets simply don’t work, motivation and stamina literally disappear. But what initially seems like a Herculean task is by no means impossible. Here are 5 simple tips for healthy, long-term weight loss.…

  • The path to the dream figure is often not easy. To make matters worse, belly fat bulges usually stick together particularly stubbornly. Plus, it’s not always the fat that makes the dream of a flat stomach burst like a soap bubble. Some foods cause the stomach to swell particularly quickly. It makes your stomach look…

  • Breakfast is considered the “most important meal of the day” nationally. This is no coincidence, as those who skip breakfast are more likely to struggle with decreased performance and other illnesses. A morning meal replenishes energy stores depleted during the night, thereby increasing important functions such as the ability to concentrate or alertness. Of course,…

  • Whether at the beginning of the year, before the onset of spring or during the hot summer months; a subject accompanies us almost everywhere and always: calories, weight loss, food. It doesn’t matter that the advertisements want to lure us to the nearest fitness studio, we should take various shakes and other “wonderful remedies” or…