Almost all children have one thing in common: they go through a “boarding school” phase at some point in their lives. Sooner or later, almost every child wants to have a skateboard or a longboard. It’s a fun way for kids to stay in shape and a reason to get out of the house. Although the longboard historically predates the skateboard, it’s only been a few years since it regained popularity. A new generation of longboarders is discovering horse riding for themselves.

Although the longboard is also considered a safer alternative to traditional skating, there are still a few things to consider when choosing one for kids.

What mistakes you can avoid when buying

First of all, you should not buy the board in a toy or bicycle store but go to a specialized store.

Longboards are not toys and those from the discounter are often poorly made and anything but durable.

Also, don’t pay too much attention to the price – one way or the other. If you simply rely on branded products at high prices, you can be just as disappointed as with the cheapest model. The latter is easily explained: Quality often has its price.

The main reason why even the most expensive products don’t always make you happy is that they don’t always necessarily match your child’s needs or riding style.

Not all longboards are the same

The choice of the right board mainly depends on the individual wishes of the child. The choice is large and there are different models depending on the area of ​​application. For example, there are compact and flexible cruisers, stiffer downhill boards, or narrow rear and front freeride boards.

The general length of longboards is between 90 and 150cm, with short or cruiser versions being best suited for children.

The board must adapt to the weight of the child

Almost all manufacturers offer varying levels of flexibility. The so-called “flex” indicates how flexible or “flexible” a board is or how stiff it is. The following rule applies here: If the rider is light, the longboard or the deck (the board you stand on) of the board can also be lighter and more flexible. However, care must be taken so that it does not lean too much while driving.

If the child wants to ride slower, soft boards are suitable because they are good in the curve and you have more control over them. Conversely, this means that harder boards are better suited to faster riding. The harder the longboard, the less quickly it starts to swing.

child on longboard
If the child wants to ride slower, soft boards are suitable as they are good in the curve and you have more control over them

It should not be too high for children

It is important that the longboard has some width, as most children stand more securely on a larger platform.

Wider doesn’t just mean more stable, it also provides more leverage during tight turns.

Another important aspect is the height of the longboard. When riding, the non-pushing (or “pushing”) leg bends the knees slightly, which can become very tiring over time. In order to enjoy it for a long time and to be able to endure a few minutes or hours on it, a lower deck would be optimal. The lower the board, the less effort it takes to ride.

Safety is the most important factor

The right protective gear should not be missing when skating. There are many dangers lurking when you are on the road, especially since you are among the weakest audience alongside pedestrians.

In order to avoid serious accidents or collisions, children should not be alone on the road until they are around 14 years old.

Especially for beginners, it is beneficial to train in quiet areas and without other actors such as animals, children or pedestrians. Also, smooth streets or skate parks are best, as it’s easier to slip and fall on rocks or other uneven surfaces. As the saying goes? – Every beginning is difficult. This also applies to the longboard. That’s why it makes sense to always support first test drives and offer assistance.

The right protective clothing

Good protective clothing includes:

  • a well-fitting longboard helmet with a functional chin bar
  • Elbow and knee pads
  • Wrist guards and gliding gloves for skating
  • UV sunglasses

The latter, of course, only when the sun is shining. It is particularly important that children protect themselves adequately in the event of a fall. Possible craters and abrasions can be minimized because the places you fall most often are protected. If you want your child to be even safer at first, you can also use so-called protective pants. These pants offer extra protection from the legs to the hips.

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