Keto and vegan couldn’t be more different. While the ketogenic diet consists of cutting carbohydrates and consuming a lot of fat avoiding eating animal products and mainly red meat veganism entirely from animal sources. Generally, a vegan diet is also a low-fat diet consisting only of vegetables and other plant-based foods.

Despite these significant differences, both forms of diet or eating habits promise certain health benefits. In addition to weight loss, these include a reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes type 2.

Keto vs Vegan – the differences

The ketogenic diet is a form of a low-carb diet and relies on high-fat, low-carb foods such as avocado and various oils. butter, cheese, fish, and red meat. The keto diet is also characterized by excessive consumption of protein (animal in this case). In numbers, that means 10% carbs, 30% protein, and 60% fat.

Veganism as a diet, on the other hand, is based exclusively on plant products. These include green vegetables, whole grains, nuts sesame, sweet potatoes or pumpkins.

How does the ketogenic diet work?

Due to the lack of carbohydrates, the ketogenic diet causes your metabolism in a fat-burning state: the so-called ketosis. Normally, the body is dependent on carbohydrates because they generate energy. This is important, for example, to maintain brain function.

However, when the usual supplier breaks down, our body has to improvise:

Fats are converted into ketone bodies, which are now used for energy instead of carbohydrates.

So, on a standard diet, your body uses carbohydrates as its primary fuel source. These are broken down into sugar in the digestive system and then enter the bloodstream. When carbohydrate intake ends, sugar is no longer used as fuel. So, after a few days, the body stops burning carbohydrates and absorbs fat instead. That ketosis is the goal of the keto diet. However, the human body needs a few days to get used to this process.

vegan diet
Vegans eat only plant-based foods, most of which are high in nutrients and low in calories

And how does the vegan diet work?

Vegans eat only plant-based foods, most of which are high in nutrients and low in calories. Additionally, vegan diets are low in fat and high in carbs. But even with this diet, you can eat unhealthily. If you only resort to bread, sugary drinks, or other unhealthy products, it has little to do with diet.

To lose weight, you must therefore rely on high-quality whole foods.

Plus, since vegetables and other plant-based foods tend to be low in calories, you can eat a lot while you lose weight.

Health Benefits of Both Diets

Both diets have been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes. If you are already concerned, you can also make improvements. According to studies, keto has stabilized blood sugar levels so well that patients with type 2 diabetes have been able to almost completely stop taking their insulin medication, and vegan patients may also have their dose reduced.

Vegans also have no cholesterol problems and the risk of developing cancer is also reduced. The ketogenic diet also has an anti-inflammatory effect and thus promotes an improvement in skin tone.


Whether or not you eat meat and animal products, both diets can help you lose weight and reap other physical and health benefits. With the ketogenic diet, however, you should be aware that unwanted issues such as headaches and dizziness may occur, especially during the transition phase. Also, carbohydrates should not be avoided indefinitely, as certain types of fruits and vegetables, which contain important vitamins and micronutrients, should be omitted.

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