Even our ancestors benefited from the secrets of nature, which are invaluable for personal beauty and body care. To this day, legends surround the natural beauty of Cleopatra. It is said that the Egyptian queen bathed in donkey’s milk every night during her lifetime to preserve her youthful beauty.

Today, there is a vast market for skincare and cosmetic products based on the latest findings and latest research guidelines. However, thousands of people are satisfied with treatment with natural means.

Products of natural origin are gaining importance

Beauty-conscious shoppers can save that money. In every home, there are many natural resources that are suitable for your own production of cosmetics or body care. But the best thing is that these ingredients are inexpensive, have no side effects, and even promise a wellness treatment with a high beauty factor for allergy sufferers.

Make your own cosmetics
In every home, there are many natural resources that are suitable for your own production of cosmetics or body care

Tips for face masks and facial steamers

Many cosmetic manufacturers advertise that the advertised products contain ingredients such as wheat germ oil, cottage cheese, honey, or cucumber extracts. But a closer look reveals that these ingredients are usually only found in cosmetics in small percentages.

But it does not take much effort to produce beauty products such as quark honey or cucumber and cottage cheese masks yourself.

Equally popular are apple cider vinegar and coconut oil, which are essential ingredients in many cosmetics. Apple cider vinegar infused water is the perfect facial toner that you can immediately apply to your face with a cotton ball. If you want to deeply cleanse your skin, treat yourself to a facial cleansing steam bath from time to time in which the water is enriched with the herbs of lavender and chamomile flowers. A successful blend of egg yolks and cold-pressed olive oil brings tired skin back to life.

Natural hair care

Good hair care does not necessarily require chemicals. A good substitute for conditioner, for example, is water-infused chamomile tea. If you want to make your own hair styling lotion, you will certainly be delighted with a mixture of mineral water, honey, and apple cider vinegar. If you add henna to this mixture, the hair fixer is perfect for red hair.

Natural shampoo is done quickly with hot water and rye flour. Apply this paste to your hair and rinse it again after a short time. A particularly interesting idea is the paste for people allergic to perfumes since rye flour shampoo develops only a very limited smell.

Just a matter of getting used to it

Switching from specialty store products to household cosmetics is admittedly unusual at first. Let your creativity run wild when designing skincare products. After all, most of the ingredients are in storage in the household anyway.

If you use cosmetics regularly, you will save a lot of money in the long run. At the same time, you protect the environment with these measures. For one thing, no chemicals end up in groundwater. On the other hand, there is no superfluous packaging.

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