Many people, although very organized, are lazy and these two traits spend a lot of time fighting each other. If you belong to this group of people, you probably have to make constant efforts to keep your motivation and your sense of organization intact. When this happens, it’s easy to feel like a bad version of yourself and lose control.

In order to create a good feeling again, you need to organize your things. But how?

Keep the laptop clean

This first point should be taken literally. You should try to declutter your laptop, literally inside and out.

Delete unwanted files, and place them in folders or on hard drives to create structures. Computer updates also contribute to this. Upgrading your system and keeping things tidy will make you feel better at the end of the day.

Organize and print photos

Who doesn’t know? Due to ever-increasing storage capacities, inventions such as iCloud or Dropbox and Co. as well as technically highly developed smartphones and laptops, photos are collected on a wide variety of media over the years. To sort the photos and possibly even print and paste them into albums, scroll to choose from three actions: keep, delete, or print for the album. It’s also a good idea to remove all duplicates.

At first, this procedure is exhausting and tedious, but after a while it becomes routine. Different albums can be created on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, depending on what you want to print and how much to print. We live in the digital age, so it’s easy to put images on paper. You can adjust the size and format as you like through various apps or WiFi printers.

Plan ahead

Yes, life sometimes has unpredictable twists and turns. But that doesn’t mean a little planning doesn’t go a long way. Apps like Todoist or a traditional weekly planner/calendar are the tools you need to brainstorm and plan ahead to be more organized.

Take your time to plan the days.

For example, if you have a presentation or something else important coming up, you can go back and add new tasks to complete the goal. Plan for the little things – they add up! One hour per week should be used for the actual planning. It is also important not to underestimate the tasks and time required. By writing everything down on your calendar, or a digital version of it, you can work within your week and focus on what’s important to you.

Order means storing and labeling things correctly
Order means storing and labeling things correctly

Give all things a home

Keeping things in the right place also makes your life more organized. Order means storing things properly and labeling storage rooms. Choose an area in your home to remodel. If there are scattered items, group them, label them, and place them in the correct places.

For example, storage of pencils or pens should be placed in easily accessible places, while rarely used craft supplies can be stored out of sight.

find the balance

In trying to organize life perfectly, balance is often a sacrifice. Instead of sleeping, we stay awake late at night. Instead of going out with friends, we study all weekend for an upcoming exam. Although this strategy seems promising in the short term, long-term effects can be seen in conditions such as chronic stress or burnout. So prioritize long-term sustainability through balance and self-care.

There are a few strategies to help you do this:

  • avoid overwork
  • physical activity as compensation
  • meditation or diary carry out
  • Spend time with friends and family
  • enough Sleep and avoid working at night
  • take longer breaks

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